Leave-One-Out Classification for the Incumbent Party Model
Year Predicted Two-Party Vote Share Actual Two-Party Vote Share Predicted Classification Actual Classification Correct Classification1
1968 48.67734 49.59538 FALSE FALSE TRUE
1972 62.27089 61.78901 TRUE TRUE TRUE
1976 52.95423 48.86265 TRUE FALSE FALSE
1980 42.82886 44.84244 FALSE FALSE TRUE
1984 58.80534 59.12335 TRUE TRUE TRUE
1988 50.64506 53.83246 TRUE TRUE TRUE
1992 46.16365 46.37930 FALSE FALSE TRUE
1996 52.88794 54.80402 TRUE TRUE TRUE
2000 50.01853 50.25952 TRUE TRUE TRUE
2004 52.30725 51.26932 TRUE TRUE TRUE
2008 50.52095 46.22923 TRUE FALSE FALSE
2012 52.16507 51.91526 TRUE TRUE TRUE
2016 50.25306 51.16249 TRUE TRUE TRUE

1 Correctly predicted the two-party popular vote winner of 84.6% of the elections